Friday, July 10, 2015

About my Post

Please note that if a post doesn't have the Author written underneath it then I am the Author. The poems that I write will have my named listed as the one who posted it.

Getting Away From Self

Thoughts of self-contentment come to mind,
Is it really that hard to find?

I see that others seek this through others,
Yet wouldn’t we call that self-contentment of another?

We read seek ye God first,
But is it really what we thirst?

If we seek God first then should not self-contentment be evident?
For contentment with God and his word as a Christian would be Prevalent.

Seek ye first! Seek ye first! We read and say!
Yet is it what we really do this day?

Can we get past ourselves and our own righteousness?
Or are we always saying, ‘No not me. It is what I do best!’

Is righteousness what we really seek?
Surely not for this would make us weak.

Weak in verse, Weak in spirit.
We must act or ‘do’ and not just hear it!

Please, let us put past ourselves, past our world, and past our hurts.
Let us Seek first HIS Kingdom and not play in our own dirt.