Thursday, March 10, 2022

Our Sisterhood

I love you more than words can say.

I pray for you each and every day.

    Even though you are far away.

In my heart you always stay.

    The distance of miles and states away.

It could never cause our bond to decay.

My dearest sister you will always be,

Because you mean the world to me.

    Near or far wherever we go,

I am there in your heart you should always know.

Our bond as friends we will always share,

    Even if your load is too much to bear.

For our blood is not the only thing that keeps us close,

    But the hardship went through together is what bonds us most.

So I am thankful for your tears, I am thankful for our fears,

    Because they give us memories that will last through years.

No storms in life can sever our connection,

    No matter where in whatever direction.


Because even though our blood ties us together,

    It can help us survive life’s stormy weather.

Just remember when life feels like more than you can bear,

     Just call me up because you know I am already there.